Bus timetable from Cordoba to Rabanales

For all those Erasmus students who study in Rabanales, and want to opt for bus transport, here you have the information about the timetables from Cordoba to Rabanales. The price of the ticket is 1,30€, but if you get the student bus pass it will be much cheaper. You can find all the information about the bonobús here.

First of all, it is very important to know that there are two different bus lines from Cordoba to Rabanales, run by the Aucorsa company: line E and the Special Service to Rabanales (RB):

Line E:

As it is a peripheral line, it has special timetables. Here we offer you the document where these timetables and the route of the bus to Rabanales are detailed. The bus stops at Plaza de Colón, so if you live in that area, it will be very convenient for you to take this line to the university.

Special Service to Rabanales (line RB):

You can check the timetables and the route here. Also with an initial stop at Plaza de Colón.

And if you prefer to go by train instead of by bus, take a look at our post Timetables and prices for trains to Rabanales.