Tapas bars in Córdoba: Discover the best gastronomic spots in the city

The city of Cordoba is known for its tapas tradition, with a deep-rooted history and a constant evolution in the culture. Some of the best classic tapas bars include Taberna Regina, La Maceta or Bar Santos, where you can enjoy a good piece of tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelette). In the city you can also find wineries and modern places, such as Bodegas Mezquita and Bodegas Campos, to enjoy a varied and unique gastronomic experience. At the same time, Cordoba offers the possibility of tasting tapas and local dishes in places like “Taberna Rafaé” or “Taberna La Viuda”. The gastronomic diversity in the Andalusian city surprises with a wide range of traditional and creative dishes.

The tradition of tapas in Córdoba

Tapas in Cordoba have their roots in the ancient custom of accompanying drinks with small portions of food, a practice that has evolved over the years.There are various theories about their origin:

  • The most popular theory attributes the origin of tapas to King Alfonso X “The Wise” in the 13th century. It is believed that the king ordered that a small tapa of food be served with the wine to prevent his subjects from getting too drunk.
  • Another theory suggests that the lids originated as a way of covering wine glasses to prevent dust or dirt from entering.
  • Some food historians believe that tapas evolved from the food rations served to workers in taverns. These rations were small and consisted of leftover food or staples such as bread, cheese and olives.

plato variado en bar de Córdoba

Evolution of the tapas culture in Cordoba

The tapas culture in Cordoba has undergone a constant evolution from a simple tradition to a culinary art that combines traditional flavours with creative innovations. It is a deeply rooted social activity in most of Spain, especially in Andalusia. It is enjoyed with friends, family or work colleagues. It is a way of sharing food, drink and conversation in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. In short, enjoying good weather, good company and good food.

The best classic tapas bars

Taberna Regina

It is a traditional tavern located in the heart of Cordoba, Spain. It was founded in 1907 and is one of the oldest taverns in the city. The tavern is known for its cosy atmosphere, delicious food and wide selection of wines. It is housed in an old manor house and retains many of its original features. It now serves a variety of traditional Cordoban dishes, such as salmorejo, flamenquín and rabo de toro (oxtail).

Tapa de cuscús con carne

Bar Santos

El Santos is a traditional tapas bar located at Calle Magistral González Francés 3, right next to the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. Founded in 1969, it is an emblematic place in the city known for its cosy atmosphere and, especially, its Spanish omelette, considered one of the best in Spain. It is very common to see many people queuing outside to try a piece of their huge tortillas.

La Maceta

It is a restaurant and tapas bar located in the Plaza del Escudo, in the Centro district of Cordoba. It is a popular place with locals and tourists alike, known for its welcoming atmosphere, delicious food and wide selection of tapas (more than forty) and wines.

Modern wineries and tapas bars

In Cordoba, bars are constantly evolving and renewing themselves, offering unique gastronomic experiences. Two outstanding places that combine modernity and tradition are Bodegas Mezquita and Bodegas Campos

Bodegas Mezquita

With four restaurants spread throughout the old town, Bodegas Mezquita is a benchmark for local tapas and wines in Cordoba. Among its specialities are aubergines from the Caliphate and an extensive wine list, which combine perfectly with the tapas on offer..

Bodegas Mezquita

Bodegas Campos

It is a traditional tavern located in Calle Lineros 32, in the heart of the historic centre of Cordoba. Founded in 1908, it is an emblematic place in the city known for its cosy atmosphere, delicious food and wide selection of wines. The restaurant has a spacious and bright interior, with traditional Andalusian décor. Bodegas Campos offers a wide variety of traditional Cordoban dishes, as well as more modern and creative dishes.

Taberna Sociedad de Plateros

The Taberna Sociedad de Plateros is a traditional restaurant and tavern located at Calle San Francisco 6, in the heart of the historic centre of Cordoba. Founded in 1872, it is an emblematic place in the city known for its cosy atmosphere, its delicious food (salmorejo, flamenquín, croquetas, presa ibérica or bacalao, among many other dishes) and its wide selection of wines.

Gastronomic diversity in the city of Córdoba

The city of Cordoba stands out for its varied culinary offer, which combines traditional dishes with innovative creations, offering diners a unique experience in the art of Andalusian tapas.

Variety of traditional and creative dishes

  • In Cordoba’s tapas bars it is possible to enjoy a wide range of traditional dishes that reflect the region’s rich culinary history, such as salmorejo, tortilla de patata and rabo de toro (oxtail).
  • At the same time, the creativity of the chefs is present in innovative culinary proposals, which seek to surprise the palate with original combinations and presentations, offering a unique gastronomic experience in every mouthful.

Unique culinary experience in the Andalusian city

The city of Cordoba offers its visitors an incomparable culinary experience, where traditional flavours are fused with avant-garde proposals, in a welcoming atmosphere full of history.

Taberna Sociedad de Plateros, Córdoba