Córdoba Bus Maps and Schedules

Probably you have already noticed that Córdoba is a pretty big city and there will be many occassions in which you will have to use the public transport. The bus is the favourite mean of transport by most people in Córdoba and also the cheapest option. The price of one ticket is 1,30€ (one-way) but if you need to use the bus on a regular basis, we suggest you to buy a bonobús in order to save money with every trip. It consists on a card that can be recharged with money (the minimun is 5€). It also allows you to change from one bus to other without having to pay for the second trip. There are two different types of bonobús, the normal one and the student one.

Cordoba buses maps and schedules

To be sure about which bus line is more convenient in every occassion is not so easy because there are 15 different bus lines. Here is a link to all the bus lines and also the route of each of these, together with the time schedules:



If you are looking for a more detailed information you also may access to the AUCORSA website. Enjoy your Erasmus stay in Córdoba and have very nice trips!